
What Animation Files Upload To Secondlife

Part Two of BVH Animation Converting for OpenSim and 2nd Life

This is Function II of BVH Animation Converting for OpenSim and Second Life. Become Dorsum to Part I

This article is about how to use Blender to convert BVH files for Opensim and Second Life

Blender Setup

Start Blender and Navigate to the User Preferences Screen. I am using Blender version 2.76 in this demo.

Blender User Preferences Screen

Click the Search box and type "BVH". Make sure the Import Export button for BVH files is checked, and click "Relieve User Settings"


You should now have a BVH animation Import option in the File-Import bill of fare:BVH_Import_Option

I am going to exercise the Mutant Jumping attack:


Y'all will encounter a screen with a large set of blitheness bones:


You can click the Play push at the bottom of the screen to encounter information technology moving:


You volition need to set the animation Offset at "one" in the menu at the bottom. The green line should be at the number 1 when y'all practise this. You tin slide the dark-green line with the left mouse, or click the Start: dialog box, and enter the value 1.

Set Start to 1

Add the Avastar

I am using Avastar two.0.   Your screen may exist slightly different here, only information technology works the same.  Printing Shift-A and select Avastar, and if you have 2.0, select "With Triangles". If y'all have the "Sparkles Pro" plugin, ,you lot could choose the Quads version of the Avastar.


 A very tiny Avastar will  appear where the cursor was.  Don't panic!  It does not really matter where the Avastar is, and the size volition exist fixed in a few more clicks.


Hove the mouse over the 3-D window and press the letter T.   A menu will appear on the left.   Become to the Animation Tab on the left.

This carte du jour appears when there is one Avastar and a second armature in the 3d window.

animation tab

The offset 3 boxes should be already filled in.  The offset one has the name of the blitheness you are converting from, in my case "jump_attack". The 2d should have the name "Avatar". If they are backwards, you will need to reverse them then the copy goes from the BVH to the Avatar.

We will comprehend "Judge Map" soon, but first lets click the "Lucifer Scale": button and encounter it shrink the BVH armature down in size.

Match scales

Avastar volition usually fill in the Source and Target boxes.

Click the first 4 buttons

I ended up with this.   Go alee and position both of yours so they are in the same kickoff position.

Both avatars shrunk to scale

Allow'south put them both in the standard T-pose past left-clicking each avatar in the Backdrop window and then setting them to "Residual Position" in the Object Data Tab

Set Rest Pose

They should both (more or less) line upward now.


At present click the X-ray and Names buttons on the Object Data window so we can see the bones.


Now correct click the BVH armature, or left click it in the Outliner to select it. Become into edit mode on the BVH armature. Change the Object Mode to Edit, or printing (T)ab central,

Object   => Edit Mode

Now motility the bones to match the Avastar.   In my instance, I used the B (box) key to depict a box effectually the upper function of the trunk, and and then used One thousand and Z keys to (K)rab it and move information technology upwards on the (Z) centrality.

Exit the Edit mode, and get into Pose mode.

Hover the mouse over the 3-D window and press "A" several times until the BVH armature is glowing.  In the lesser window, you will see each frame of the blitheness lit in yellowish.

Left click the last yellow line, and press "East" for "End" ( "S" moves the Commencement).   In my case, the final line of the animation was on frame 115:

Y'all tin use the ringlet wheel to zoom in.   You tin can too manually set the start frames (1) and finish frames past typing in the dialog boxes:

We are nearly set to copy the blitheness from the Mixamo armature to the Second Life armature!

Remainder Pose

Nosotros need to Rest Frame for the imported BVH.   Correct-click the BVH armature, make certain it is in pose style, and set the Object Properties to Pose Position


Move the light-green line past left clicking it to the Blitheness frame 0, You tin can also type in a zero. Whatever frame outside the animations can be used, only nada is typical.

At present over over the 3-D windows, click A to select all the bones in the armature, then select Pose-Clear Transform-All

Clear Transform

Press "I" while hovering over the three-D windows to insert a Keyframe.   It will prompt you for the type of recording to make. Select "Rotation".

Insert Rotation

Now you lot have a T-pose keyframe at position zero.


The BVH file does not match the Second life/Opensim armature. If it did, we would non accept to get through all this mess.  There is a push I mentioned earlier, "Guess Mapping".  Information technology'southward on the left, in the T windows.

Click the button to the left of Guess Mapping to expose the suggested conversions:

The to-from list unremarkably does not include the foot bones.  This is normal for Second Life armatures. Mixamo animations piece of work fine with the guessed mapping.   Yous can adjust these as necessary.

Transferring the Animation

The transfer process volition simply copy animations that are between Kickoff and End in the timeline.  Check that they are ready correctly. Both avatars should be in Pose Mode, and in a T-pose when the animation timeline is at 0

Printing Transfer Motility and expect a few seconds.

Now click Play in the timeline. I have ready the original BVH armature to hidden by right-clicking  it and typing "H".

Save the animation

Y'all accept now converted the blitheness to SL and Opensim format.  To export it,  navigate the System to the Render carte du jour past clicking the photographic camera in the properties window and whorl to the bottom:

You should exist able to delete the original BVH armature now, load a new one, conform the start and T-pose in a few more clicks and click Transfer to get another one set up to upload.



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